It's easy to make a card so much more eye catching with just a couple of simple card making ideas. Ever thought that landscape card, while beautiful, looks like just another.....landscape? We can change that very easily.
Let's have a look at how it can be done.....
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1. This beach grass pops when I dab some Scribbles Iridescent Gold onto the fluffy tops.
2. To further enhance the card, I paint with watercolor some grass stems outside the frame onto the card stock.
3. When the paint is dry, the gold paint is applied in 3 or 4 falling steps to suggest the fluffy grass.
4. Put the card aside to dry for at least 24 hours.
Often a landscape is of a distant view and this can give you the opportunity to paint in tall grasses in the foreground using either the watercolor or gold paint, or both as we just did.